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7th floor, Corporate Park ||,
Sion-Trombay Road, Chembur,
Mumbai- 400071.
Business Enquiries:
7th floor, Corporate Park ||,
Sion-Trombay Road, Chembur,
Mumbai- 400071.
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A premium mobile-first website design for a wealth manager to India's ultra HNIs.

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/ Brand
India's most exclusive wealth manager with the largest AUM in the country, IFL WAM was set to re-brand themselves as 360ONE WAM.
/ Brief
The company needed a mobile-first website that would distinctly reflect the brand's renewed promise.
The purpose was to drive engagement through the invaluable ecosystem and experiences that represented their unwavering, all-weather focus as the singular hyper-personalized wealth partner to the nation's entrepreneurs, family offices, business owners, CXOs and independent professionals. This required well-designed information architecture and meticulously crafted journeys that would communicate each of their strategic offerings and engagement touch-points with clarity and poise.
/ Role
IIFL WAM commissioned Spinach to create a website user experience of global standards that would gain eminent recognition through its user experience.
  • Website Research and Strategy
  • User Experience Design
/ Service
Corporate websites
/ Project Duration
6 months
Process and Execution
Immersion & UX research
Stakeholder alignment and requirement gathering
  • Spinach embarked on a comprehensive research process that entailed interviews with the co-founders, CXOs of the company and heads of each of the strategic verticals. Over a dozen interviews were conducted as part of generative research and at the time of ideation, concept sketches were validated with each of the stakeholders to evaluate the information architecture and user experience. Each interviewee outlined their requirements and ambitions from the website that gave us a holistic impression of the website goals.
  • As part of competitor mapping, we audited close to 30+ websites to collect the best practices followed by global wealth managers. To further drive the international caliber that we were seeking, each vertical was deeply researched to ensure that 360 ONE's distinct promise reflected seamlessly through the new website.
Immersion & UX Research
Ideate & define
  • Our challenge was to keep the website easy and simple to browse and yet persuade a potential client to be positively inclined towards 360 ONE.
  • The website ideation was the focal part of the website design program. Ideas and concepts were iteratively developed for the main screens of the website to enforce the brand promise and communicate the offerings.
  • We created 3-4 iterations of the information architecture. Paper-prototyping, group-brainstorming and evaluating researching with stakeholders were our key tools to reach quick decisions and test out concepts.
Ideate & Define
Experience design
  • Brand design at scale
  • The interface design was scaled across 30 screens with distinct design components that were recognizable as the brand's imprint. Each component was aligned with the new brand design and its ethos.
  • Strategic storytelling through UX
  • The UX was structured to ensure a connected storytelling experience and keep the visitor guided through the website. Sections were divided as per the scroll length and screen narrative.
  • Signature designs for key experiences
  • A distinct design identity was carefully honed to give the website a homogeneous yet modern appeal that resonated with the sensibilities of 360 ONE's clientele. Key experiences like the offerings, customer segmentation and thought leadership were signature designs that stood out in the entire journey.
  • Unique modular templates
  • The website design consists of key templates that were applied across the website. Each template provided flexibility yet comprehensive sectional possibilities to meet future scale and topical requirements
  • Mobile-first adaptive designs
  • Each screen was adapted with mobile-first best practices and a device-first approach was adopted to ensure that users had the best viewing experience on any device.
  • Distinct animations and transitions
  • We designed 5-6 distinct animation styles that were key to the overall visual aesthetic. The transitions were built to allow easy reading and focus on key sections of the website design.
Process and Execution

Stakeholder alignment and requirement gathering
  • Spinach embarked on a comprehensive research process that entailed interviews with the co-founders, CXOs of the company and heads of each of the strategic verticals. Over a dozen interviews were conducted as part of generative research and at the time of ideation, concept sketches were validated with each of the stakeholders to evaluate the information architecture and user experience. Each interviewee outlined their requirements and ambitions from the website that gave us a holistic impression of the website goals.
  • As part of competitor mapping, we audited close to 30+ websites to collect the best practices followed by global wealth managers. To further drive the international caliber that we were seeking, each vertical was deeply researched to ensure that 360 ONE's distinct promise reflected seamlessly through the new website.
Immersion & UX Research

  • Our challenge was to keep the website easy and simple to browse and yet persuade a potential client to be positively inclined towards 360 ONE.
  • The website ideation was the focal part of the website design program. Ideas and concepts were iteratively developed for the main screens of the website to enforce the brand promise and communicate the offerings.
  • We created 3-4 iterations of the information architecture. Paper-prototyping, group-brainstorming and evaluating researching with stakeholders were our key tools to reach quick decisions and test out concepts.
Ideate & Define

  • Brand design at scale
  • The interface design was scaled across 30 screens with distinct design components that were recognizable as the brand's imprint. Each component was aligned with the new brand design and its ethos.
  • Strategic storytelling through UX
  • The UX was structured to ensure a connected storytelling experience and keep the visitor guided through the website. Sections were divided as per the scroll length and screen narrative.
  • Signature designs for key experiences
  • A distinct design identity was carefully honed to give the website a homogeneous yet modern appeal that resonated with the sensibilities of 360 ONE's clientele. Key experiences like the offerings, customer segmentation and thought leadership were signature designs that stood out in the entire journey.
  • Unique modular templates
  • The website design consists of key templates that were applied across the website. Each template provided flexibility yet comprehensive sectional possibilities to meet future scale and topical requirements
  • Mobile-first adaptive designs
  • Each screen was adapted with mobile-first best practices and a device-first approach was adopted to ensure that users had the best viewing experience on any device.
  • Distinct animations and transitions
  • We designed 5-6 distinct animation styles that were key to the overall visual aesthetic. The transitions were built to allow easy reading and focus on key sections of the website design.

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